Industrial Ecology Bibliography |
General books and reports Allenby, Braden
R., and Deanna J. Richards. The Greening of
Industrial Ecosystems. Washington: National Academy Press, 1994. Ayres, Robert U. and Ayres, Leslie. 1996. Industrial Ecology : Towards Closing the Materials Cycle. Edward Elgar Publishers, London. Ausubel, Jesse H. and Sladovich, Hedy E. ed., 1989. Technology and Environment, Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press. Proceedings of the first conference on industrial ecology, sponsored by National Academy of Engineering. Includes articles on industrial metabolism, dematerialization, energy, economic implications, and educational challenges. Erkman, Suren.
1995. Ecologie industrielle, métabolisme
industriel, et société d'utilisation. A major study
supported by the Foundation for the Progress of Humanity, Paris.. Dr.
Erkman has gathered information on the evolution and application of
industrial ecology in Europe, North America, and Asia. Graedel, T.E.,
and B.R. Allenby. Industrial Ecology. Englewood
Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1995. Hall, Charles S. Cleveland, Cutler J. Kaufmann, Robert.1986. Energy and Resource Quality: The Ecology of the Economic Process. John Wiley & Sons, New York. The expression 'industrial ecosystems', and more importantly the full concept of industrial ecology, appears in this work. It is probably one of the very first occurrences of this concept in the published literature. John Wiley & Sons, New York. JETRO, "Ecofactory - Concept and R&D Themes," special issue, New Technology, FY 1992, Japan External Trade Organization, Tokyo. Report based on work of the Ecofactory Research Group of the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory, Agency of Industrial Science and Technology. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Environment, Health and Safety Committee, 1995. "White Paper on Sustainable Development and Industrial Ecology" (See IEEE organizations\ for access.) World Wide Web site for IEEE White paper: Leff, Enrique. 1995. Green Production: Toward an Environmental Rationality. Guilford Press. NY. a volume in the Center for Political Ecology's series, Democracy and Ecology. "an ambitious attempt to understand the social and ecological bases and consequences of production in general and the production of agricultural goods in developing countries, in particular." -- review in J of Industrial Ecology, 2:1. Lowe, Ernest, Warren, John, and Moran, Stephen. 1997. Discovering Industrial Ecology: an executive briefing and sourcebook. Battelle Press, Cleveland, OH. (A new edition of the The Source of Value. Prepared for U.S. EPA Futures Group under a cooperative agreement with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory.) O'Rourke, D., L. Connelly, and C.P. Koshland. "Industrial Ecology: A Critical Review." International Journal of Environment Pollution (IJEP) 6, no. 2/3 (1996): 89-112. "We will introduce and critique IE's primary concepts and analyze weaknesses and "holes" in IE's conceptual framework." Meadows, Donella, Meadows, Dennis and Randers. Jorgen. 1992. Beyond the Limits: Confronting Global Collapse, Envisioning a Sustainable Future. White River Junction,VT: Chelsea Green Publishers, 1992. National Academy of Sciences, Proceedings, February 1 1992. An NAS colloquium on industrial ecology in May, 1991 including papers by industry, government and academic contributors. 2101 Constitution Avenue NW Washington DC 20418 Sales: 202-334-2525 Richards, Deanna and Fullerton, Ann, Ed., Industrial Ecology: U.S.-Japan Perspectives. National Academy of Engineering, Washington DC, 1994. Richards, Deanna J., Ed. 1997. The Industrial Green Game : Implications for Environmental Design and Management. National Academy Press. Washington DC. Socolow, R., C.
Andrews, F. Berkhout, and V. Thomas. Industrial
Ecology and Global Change. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1994. Wann, David.
1996. Deep Design: Pathways to a Livable Future.
Island Press. Washington DC and Covelo, CA. Journal of
Industrial Ecology is edited at Yale University by
Reid Lifset at the Program on Solid Waste Policy, Yale School of
Forestry and Environmental Studies, 205 Prospect Street, New Haven,
Connecticut 06511-2106. Côté, R. P. & Ashford, N. 1997. Special Issue on Industrial Ecology. Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 4, Number 4, Elsevier, Oxford. Watz, Jill et al, Ed. 1996. Special Issue on Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing at Lawrence Livermore Laboratory, International Journal of Environmentally Conscious Design & Manufacturing. Vol 5, No. 3-4. ECM Press, Albuquerque, NM. Ayres, Robert. U. and Simonis, Udo. E. 1994. editors, Industrial Metabolism -- Restructuring for Sustainable Development, UN University Press, Tokyo. Ayres, Robert U. 1994. "Industrial Metabolism: Theory and Policy," in Allenby, Braden R., Richards, Deanna, ed. Greening Industrial Ecosystems, Washington DC. Available through National Academy of Engineering Press Office (202-334-3313 or 1-800-642-6242) Judith E. M. Klostermann (Editor), Arnold Tukker Editors. 1997. Product Innovation and Eco-Efficiency : Twenty-Two Industry Efforts to Reach the Factor 4 (Eco-Efficiency in Industry , Vol 1) Wackernagel, M.
and William E. Rees, Our Ecological Footprint:
Reducing Human Impact on the Earth. New Society Publishers, Gabriola
Island. 1996. The most comprehensive publication about the ecological
footprint concept. An illustrated introduction to the sustainability
dilemma and the ecological footprint concept with over a dozen case
studies. (a full Duchin, Faye & Lange, Glenn-Marie, The Future of the Environment: Ecological Economics and Technological Change, Oxford University Press,1994A. In U.S. 1-800-451-7556. This book is a detailed IO analysis of the Brundtland Report, Our Common Future. The authors' analysis challenges central assumptions of this landmark work on sustainable development. Duchin, Faye, "Industrial input-output analysis: Implications for industrial ecology." in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA, Vol. 89, Number 3, pp. 851-855, February 1, 1992A, Washington DC. Duchin, Faye. 1996. Household Lifestyles: The Social Dimension of Structural Economics. Manuscript submitted to the United Nations University, which funded this research on the impact of family lifestyle changes on sustainability in Indonesia was done. Life Cycle Assessment & Design for Environment Keoleian, Gregory A. (ed). 1994. Product Life-Cycle Assessment to Reduce Health Risks and Environmental Impacts. Noyes Press. Park Ridge, N. J. Keoleian, Gregory A., ed. 1997. Industrial Ecology of the Automobile : A Life Cycle Perspective. Society of Automotive Engineers. Allenby, Braden R. 1994. Integrating Environment And Technology: Design For Environment. in Allenby, Braden R., Richards, Deanna, ed. 1994 Greening Industrial Ecosystems, Washington DC. National Academy Press Office Gradual, T. E. & Allenby, B. R., Industrial Ecology 1995, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.. This first university textbook on IE focuses on extensive review of design for environment and life-cycle assessment methods. Product-Life Extension and the Service Economy Giarini, Orio and Stahel, Walter, The Limits to Certainty: facing risks in the new service economy. 1989/1993. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht and Boston, MA. Stahel, Walter. 1994. “The Utilization-Focused Service Economy: Resource Efficiency and Product-Life Extension,” in Allenby and Richards, Greening of Industrial Ecosystems, National Academy of Engineering, Washington DC,. Available through the National Academy Press Office (202-334-3313) Regulation and Competitiveness Powers, Charles W. and Chertow, Marian R. 1997. Industrial Ecology--Overcoming Policy Fragmentation. in Chertow, Marian R. and Esty, Daniel C. ed. 1997. Thinking Ecologically: The Next Generation of Environmental Policy, Yale University Press, New Haven, CT. Papers generated from a series of four expert workshps held at Yale's Industrial Environmental Management Program in the Spring of 1996. Porter, Michael E. & van der Linde, Claas. 1995A "Green and Competitive: Ending the Stalemate," Harvard Business Review, Sept.-Oct., pp 122-134. Cambridge, MA. A systems view of competitiveness with case studies and quantitative research indicating that well-designed environmental regulations drive innovation in the whole production process and product design. These innovations increase the productivity of resource use, building overall competitiveness. Includes criteria for regulations that will support this process. Porter, Michael
& van der Linde, Class. 1995B. "Toward a New
Conception of the Environment-Competitiveness Relationship," Journal of
Economic Perspectives 9, no. 4, Fall. An extended discussion of the
ways in which environmental regulations need to change to provide
better incentives for improved environmental performance by business. Ayres, Robert. 1996. "Creating industrial ecosystems: a viable management strategy?" International Journal of Technology Management, Vofl. 12, Nos 5/6, Special Issue. R.P. Côté, et al. Designing and Operating Industrial Parks as Ecosystems. School for Resource and Environmental Studies, Faculty of Management, Dalhousie University. Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 1B9. 1994. Engberg, Holger. 1995. "The Industrial Symbiosis at Kalundborg", in Gladwin, Thomas, Freeman, Tara, Ed. 1995. Business, Nature and Society: Towards Sustainable Enterprise, Richard D. Irwin, Burr Ridge IL 1995. Frosch, Robert A., and Nicholas E. Gallopoulos, Strategies for Manufacturing, Scientific American (Special Edition, September 1989), pp. 144-152. The first popular description of the industrial ecosystem concept. Gertler ,
Nicholas. 1995. Industrial Ecosystems: Developing
Sustainable Industrial Structures. Dissertation for Master of Science
in Technology and Policy and Master of Science in Civil and
Environmental Engineering at Massachusetts Institute of Technology,
Cambridge, MA. Giannini-Spohn,
Suzanne. "Designing Indusrial Ecosystems Tool."
Washington, DC: USEPA, 1997. The Designing Industrial Ecosystems Tool
(DIET) is a computer software program, including a linear programming
optimization model, designed to aid decision makers and planners in
identifying combinations of industrial facilities that exhibit economic
and environmental potential for an eco-industrial park at a given site.
Lowe, Ernest A., Moran, Stephen R., and Holmes, Douglas B. 1997. Eco-Industrial Parks: a handbook for local development teams. Indigo Development. Lowe, Ernest A. 1997. "Creating By-Product Resource Exchanges for Eco-Industrial Parks, Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 4, Number 4, an industrial ecology special issue, Elsevier, Oxford. Martin, Sheila et al. 1995. Developing an Eco-Industrial Park: Supporting Research, Volume 1, Final Report, Research Triangle Institute Project Number 6050, Research Triangle Park, NC. Includes a case study and papers on regulations and technologies needed to support EIP development. To order write RTI Information Services, POB 12194, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709 Nemerow, Nelson
L. 1995. Zero Pollution for Industry, Waste
Minimization Through Industrial Complexes. 217 pp. John Wiley &
Sons, NY. President's Council on Sustainable Development. 1996. Eco-Efficiency Task Force Report. Includes detailed reports on the PCSD's four EIP demonstration sites: Baltimore MD, Brownsville, TX, Cape Charles VA, and Chattanooga TN. Available from PCSD 202-408-5296 or on the web at Spurlock, J. M., Ward, H. C. 1980. Systems-Integration Requirements for the Synergistic Co-Siting of Industrial Activities. US Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service publication PB81-150294. Washington, DC. Schwarz, Erich J. 1996. "Recycling-Networks: A Building Block Towards a Sustainable Development," International Solid Waste Association, 1996 International Congress Proceedings. Wallner, H.P.
1997. "Regional Embeddedness of Industrial
Parks--Strategies for Sustainable Production Systems at the Regional
Level," Journal of Cleaner Production, Volume 4, Number 4, an
industrial ecology special issue, Elsevier, Oxford. Elizabeth Ann R. Bird, Gordon L. Bultena, John C. Gardner, ed. 1995. Planting the future: developing an agriculture that sustains land and community. Iowa State University Press. Ames Iowa Gliessman, Stephen R. ed.. 1990. Agroecology : Researching the Ecological Basis for Sustainable Agriculture (Ecological Studies, Vol 78) Springer-Verlag, NY. Gliesman, Stephen R. 1998. Agroecology: Ecological Processes in Sustainable Agriculture. A textbook and lab manual. Ann Arbor Press. Chelsea MI Netting, Robert M. 1993. Smallholders, Householders : Farm Families and the Ecology of Intensive, Sustainable Agriculture. Stanford University Press. Stanford, CA Soule, Judith and
Piper, Jon K. 1992. Farming in Nature's Image :
An Ecological Approach to Agriculture. Island Press, Washington DC Lev R. Ginzburg (Editor). Assessing Ecological Risks of Biotechnology (Biotechnology Series, Vol 16) Margaret G. Mellon Biotechnology and the Environment : A Primer on the Environmental Implications of Genetic Engineering back to industrial ecology |
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