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Industrial Ecology: an executive
briefing and sourcebook by Ernest A. Lowe, John L. Warren, and
Stephen R. Moran. 1997. Battelle Press, Columbus OH
ISBN 1-57477-034-9
Indigo prepared this
introduction to industrial ecology (IE)
addressed to public and private sector organizations for for
US-EPA's Futures Unit. (Now a thing of the past.) Our executive
briefing and sourcebook focuses on
the potential benefits of applying IE to management and design at
different levels of industry and government (including local economic
development and municipal infrastructure). It is the first industrial
ecology book to project a broad vision for applying IE in all sectors
of the local and global economies.
Discovering IE explores
the implications of industrial ecology
for sustainable development and examines a wide range of business
opportunities opened by IE. It includes a survey of IE methods and
tools, discusses policy changes required, and proposes a strategy
for evolution of the field.
A number of scenarios in
Discovering offer visions of full-blown
application of IE at company, city, and developing country levels.
of organizations, online information sources, and bibliographies
access to sources of information.
In this project Indigo was
under sub-contract to Battelle Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory, working in collaboration with PNNL's
of Contents
- 1. An executive briefing on industrial ecology
- The challenge
- The vision
- Defining industrial ecology
- Five things to remember about industrial ecology
- A conversation after the briefing
2. Industry as living systems within living systems
- Industrial ecology and sustainable development
- Learning from nature
- Applying some ecological principles
- Learning from the dynamics of ecosystems
- Guidance from nature in setting objectives
3. Industrial ecology methods and tools
- Industrial metabolism
- Dynamic input-output modeling
- Life-cycle assessment
- Design for environment (DFE)
- Pollution prevention (P2)
- Energy efficiency
- Design of organizations
- Information systems
- The dialogue between IE as research and IE as
context for
Levels of applying IE in transportation: three cases
- Automobile re-design within the current product
- The RMI Hypercar
- An integrated transportation system
4. Product life-extension and the service economy
Gambit Ltd. markets integrated household service
systems a
future scenario
5. Emerging business opportunities suggested by IE
- Cost savings and new revenues in existing
- Entering new markets for existing goods and
- Marketing emerging technologies, materials, and
- Supporting the organizational change, technical,
information needs of an IE-based economy;
- Integrating technologies and methods into
innovative new
An insurance company assesses its portfolio - a future scenario
6. Government and industrial ecology
- Policy and regulations
- Research and technology policy
- Procurement
- Local government
- Green plans
Hometown uses industrial ecology to form its economic
development strategy - a future scenario
7. Industrial ecosystems and eco-industrial parks
- Industrial ecosystems
- Examples: Kalundborg, the Houston Ship Channel,
and Styria
- Greening industrial ecosystems
- Challenges and risks
- Eco-industrial parks
- The EIP -- a menu of opportunities
- Building the community of companies
- Benefits and risks
- Eco-industrial park projects
8. Strategies for creating and implementing IE
- Emphasize a decentralized process
- Engage the points of social and economic control
- Design policy through public/private dialogue
- Link action and research
- Develop industry's leadership role in changing
9. Developing country leapfrog - a future scenario
- Strategy for applying IE in national and
economic development
- Energy
- Manufacturing
- Agriculture
- Transportation
- Telecommunications
- Policy and regulations
- The basic guidance system
10. General resources
- References
- Organizations
Electronic addresses