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Associates and Strategic Alliances |
Associates Anita Burke | Ernest Lowe | Anthony Shun Fung Chiu | Andreas Koenig Scott Murray | Qin Yiaoyun | Richard Stevenson | Ivan Weber | Xiang Xuemin Strategic Alliances International Center for Sustainable Development | John Spears Environmental Education Media Project| Roy Sagnik Azure International | Chris Razkowski Indigo Development works with a network of industrial ecologists, each of whom has special expertise in one or more of our core areas of work: industrial park development, real estate planning, sustainable agriculture, alternative energy, cleaner production and green urban planning, design and construction. Indigo also has strategic alliances with a number of for-profit and non-profit organizations, with whom we partner when projects call for their capacities. Ernest Lowe is Director of Indigo Development. He has played a central role in creating the concept of eco-industrial parks (EIP) as a model for local sustainable development. Current work also includes whole systems approaches to sustainable farming and high performance building design. He is Eco-Industrial and Rural Development Director of the International Center for Sustainable Development in Maryland as well as an Associate of the Environmental Education Media Project in Beijing. Lowe is an advisor to the Policy Research Center for Environment and Economy, State Environmental Protection Administration (SEPA), on the Circular Economy and the role of EIPs in it. He has been active in eco-industrial development work in Asia since 1998. He has worked with the Dalian Development Zone in an eco-planning process for a 430-km2 economic and technological development zone in Northeast China and the planning of an eco-industrial park there. This process explicitly linked the eco-industrial park with fulfillment of the Zone’s obligation to model the Circular Economy mandated by Liaoning Province. Lowe has co-led a Circular Economy e-forum for the Professional Association of Chinese Environmentalists and has led seminars and workshops on eco-industrial development in five Asian countries. Mr. Lowe has also served as: Industrial ecologist working on an Asian Development Bank project promoting cleaner production in industrial estates in Sri Lanka; Strategic planning consultant for eco-industrial park developments in Northern California, Puerto Rico, Texas, Maryland, West Virginia, Johannesburg South Africa, Thailand, the Philippines, China and Vietnam; and Strategic planner with Sandia National Laboratory and Science Applications International Corporation on developing their industrial ecology research agendas and consulting practices.
Anita Burke brings an industrial ecology, systems perspetive to her work on complex industrial operations, with a focus on the petrochemical industry. She worked for Shell International as a Senior Advisor – Sustainable Development and Climate Change. Her 18 years experience in the oil industry included: conceptualization of the role of bio-refinieries in petrochemical complexes, tool pusher North Slope of Alaska; offshore and onshore development permitting and social engagement; regional manager for environmental litigation and remediation for the retail services business; Project Director for Waste Management of the EXXON Valdez oil spill; and refinery environmental and safety manager. Her most recent corporate position was advisor to the Shell International Committee of Managing Directors on the operationalization of sustainable development and the energy portfolio implications of a carbon constrained future. She has a proven track record in all aspects of the upstream and downstream portions of the oil business for delivering profitable technologies and organizational processes that deliver on the sustainable development, eco-industrial and climate change strategic vision. She is recognized internationally for her ability to deliver profitable innovations in: Eco Industrial Technical Innovations – individual facility retrofit, interfacility innovations and design and new facility design; and Industrial Ecology technology alternatives and business decision making processes. Her educational background in physics and environmental science bring a dynamic whole systems approach to problems of energy futures and creating a thriving system for the human species; one nested in systems theory, chaordic models and Spiral Dynamics, Natural Capitalism and the basic underpinnings of nature as a model for systemic and profitable outcomes. She is currently writing, speaking internationally and consulting to governments and green businesses. She is also a partner in several innovative green businesses in both North America and China. She serves on the Board
of the following organisations: Natural Capitalism Solutions; West
Coast Environmental Law; BALLE BC. amdBC Bioneers
Anthony Shun Fung Chiu Anthony Chiu consults in the areas of eco-industrial development, operations management and strategy, cleaner production, green productivity, environmental management systems, environmentally sound technology, and disaster preparedness and emergency response system. He is a consultant on the initiative to transition all Korean industrial parks into eco-industrial parks and was a featured speaker at the 1st and 2nd International Conferences on EIPs in Seoul as well as the Ulsan Eco-Polis Symposium. He has worked with United Nations Environment Program (UNEP) and authored the UNEP Industry Paper for Asia Pacific as input to the World Summit on Sustainable Development (Rio+10). Anthony also consults with Asian Productivity Organization (APO), German Carl Duisberg Geselleschaft e. V (InWent), Danish AID (DANIDA), Philippine Business for Environment (PBE), Kawasaki City, and the US PNWER. Chiu was a member of the Technical Working Group of the Philippine PRIME project, Industrial Ecology Module funded by UNDP in the late 90s. PRIME introduced industrial ecology and eco-industrial parks to Filipino industry. Chiu served as coordinator in the organization of the 1st Industrial Ecology Asia Network Conference Workshop led by UNDP, UNEP, ICAST, and University of Kaiserslautern. He was guest editor of the Journal of Cleaner Production special issue on Application of Industrial Ecology; this 3-volume issue was published in May 2004. Chiu has been involved as consultant or resource person in various EID related projects and workshops in Korea, Japan, China, India, Taiwan, Thailand, Philippines, Vietnam, Laos, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Canada, South Africa, France, Finland, and Sweden. Chiu is a core group faculty member of De La Salle University, Graduate School of Business, and actively involved with the Center of Sustainable Development of the Engineering College. Chiu holds a BSME degree (magna cum laude) from De La Salle University (DLSU) Manila, Master of Engineering degree in Industrial Engineering at Asian Institute of Technology Thailand; and a Doctor of Business Administration degree in Operations Strategy at DLSU. He speaks fluent English, Chinese Mandarin, Chinese Fookienese, Chinese Cantonese, and Tagalog and a functional level of Thai and Spanish. Andreas Koenig Andreas
Koenig's application of industrial ecology to sustainable industrial
development draws upon 20 years of consulting experience in projects throughout Asia, North
Africa, the Middle East and the Caribbean. He has
served as Program Coordinator for the Eco-Industrial Estate Asia
Network (EIEAsia) in Manila. EIEAsia, an initiative of UNDP and GTZ,
has promoted Eco-Industrial Development in the Asia-Pacific Region
knowledge management, capacity building, conferences, and networking
events. He is
also an independent standing consultant for the German Technical
Cooperation Agency (GTZ), one of the leading international development
agencies, on environmental management and environmental policy issues.
He has worked with GTZ for 10 years as consultant and field staff in
Indonesia. Prior to joining GTZ he had been assigned with the German
Development Service as program coordinator for natural resources in the
Philippines and has worked with the United Nations Department of
Technical Cooperation for Development in Jamaica on water management
issues. He has worked on coastal zone planning and management in the
Philippines, Jamaica, and Indonesia. Scott A. Murray Scott A. Murray, President of Murray Biodiversity Group and Murray Farms, has built upon his success as an organic farmer for over 30 years to develop a consulting practice in Sustainable Farming and Agro-Eco-Industrial planning and development. While continuing his organic farming business growing specialty vegetables and culinary herbs for top restaurants in the region, he consults on the conversion of chemically dependant farms to sustainable agricultural practices. Murray specializes in the integration of holistic solutions to complex systems with sustainable practices replacing unsustainable practices. Through soil building, optimized water use, better land use planning and smart growth strategies, he helps farmers achieve a profitable transition to organic and sustainable practices. Murray has been growing organ food and selling to the best restaurants nationwide since 1974. He has extensive experience in post harvest handling, packaging, modified atmosphere packaging and shipping by air and truck. Murray is currently working with Burnquist Organics to develop and market a new line of organic foods for national sales. Murray designed and developed the handling and bio-safety systems for a $ 1.5 million dollar culinary herb processing, cooling, packaging and shipping facility built near Mexico City. His farm participates in an international sustainable agriculture training program, hosting and training two farmers from Thailand, and one from Bolivia, Kenya and France in the last four years. Murray was commissioned by the Sony Corporation to do a resource audit and design a farming operation that would utilize waste resources of water and heat. A plan was developed to start farming and development of an Agro-Eco-Industrial system on the site that would save $ 2.5 million dollars per year in disposal costs and produce $ 2.5 million dollars per year in crops. A small demonstration of the concept project was built on the site which is still in operation. Mr. Murray also serves as: President of the Board of San Diego Earthworks, an environmental education nonprofit organzing Earth Day events, green building tours, and watershed restoration and development work; President of the Board of Directors of Mission Resource Conservation District which works to conserve and manage natural resources; Chairperson of the San Luis Rey Watershed Council, working to manage and improve the watershed lands; Vice-President of the Board of Directors of the South Coast Resource Conservation and Development Council, which manages and develops natural resources from Ventura County to San Diego County (the largest urban-rural interface area in the United States.) Ivan Weber Ivan Weber is an eco-industrial planner with extensive experience in environmental planning and land use planning/management for both urban and rural settings. From 1992 to 2001 he was contractor for Kennecott Utah Copper Corporation, a subsidiary of Rio Tinto (worldwide diversified mining company), performing environmental analysis, planning, reporting and design services for a large mining property nearing closure. Functions included ecological restoration planning and construction, damaged lands reclamation, wetlands for water treatment, source control construction management and regulatory reporting, and environmental contracts management. He has a B.A. degree in Asian studies, history and anthropology, in addition to earth sciences and graduate work in Asian Studies. He was a core team member of the Circular Economy eco-planning team for Dalian Development Zone in Northeast China led by Ernest Lowe. He focused on biomass, bioenergy, renewable energy, integrated materials economy planning, and interpretation of the concept of carrying capacity in the Chinese context. He has closely followed development of the Circular Economy initiative in China. Weber's activies in eco-industrial development have included: Conceptual planning of a biomass-based eco-industrial park in Dalian, China, Dalian Development Zone (DDZ), with Indigo Development; Eco-industrial park pre-feasibility study for Spencer, WV client, integrating bioenergy, sustainable forestry and value-added forest products as economic development drivers; Industrial ecology analysis of agricultural waste challenges and opportunities for CRESTech, Ontario, Canada, focusing on biotechnology screening, integrated with farm and animal lot waste best-management practices development for sustainable farm models in Ontario Province. Weber’s expertise and interests also include: Ecological restoration, remediation and damaged-lands reclamation, applying reforestation, wetlands for water quality, wetlands restoration and landscaping for habitat enhancement, with an emphasis on landscape-scale ecological functions and values, and mined-lands/waters restoration. Environmentally responsible design and construction: Founding Chairman, US Green Building Council-Utah (officially the “USGBC-Utah Organizing Group”) and accredited to administer the US Green Building Council’s “LEED” 2.0/2.1 green building certification system. Richard Stevenson Richard S. Stevenson brings 36 years of professional work addressing policy, technical and institutional issues in environmental management systems, cleaner production, industrial ecology, ISO 14001 certification, renewable energy sources, private power generation and distributed energy planning. He has 22 years experience in international program management, establishing and directing complex technical and management programs for industry and government. In business and trade development he has 25 years of experience promoting international trade and investments and establishing business ventures in innovative technology, environment and private power. Much of Stevenson’s experience was gained while living in Asia, the Pacific, Africa, and the Middle East for over 20 years. Stevenson has managed major projects in cleaner production, regional planning, and environmental management systems for Asian Development Bank, World Bank, Louis Berger Associates, International Resources Group, United Nations Industrial Development Organization, and US-AID. He was team leader for a year-long contract of IRG Ltd. to the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to integrate concepts and practices of CP into industrial development in Sri Lanka. The project had a special focus on achieving CP through improved management in industrial estates and included pre-feasibility studies of two estates with elements of eco-industrial park design. Stevenson led development of national policy, strategy and an action plan to promote the achievement of CP across all sectors of Sri Lankan industry and services. As Vice President for Asia of Energy Resources International, Inc. he directed conventional and renewable energy projects in Sri Lanka, Pakistan, and the Philippines. Xiang Xuemin Xiang Xuemin is a senior engineer in the field of ecological engineering and a faculty member of the School of Environmental and Biological Science and Technology, Dalian University of Technology. She was project leader on methodology of eco-city planning for Dalian Development Zone as well as Dalian, Lushun District in similar planning. In this work, she applied the principles of natural ecosystems to human systems, especially in water scarce regions. She developed mathematical methods to calculate local environmental carrying capacity, and introduced methods to balance water consumption with available supplies. In her eco-city projects she integrates strategies of eco-industrial parks, eco-agriculture parks, and the conception of circular economy. Xiang has specialist training and experience in ecological water management systems. She was chief scientist in an EU-financed project “Management policies for priority water pollutants and their effects on foods and human health: general methodology and application to Chinese river basins”. The project results support decision-makers by providing water management methodologies, especially in regard to food production and human health. As a senior engineer, Xiang has three patents on wastewater treatment techniques, the “Combined Bio-oxidation Reactor”, “Vertical Tubular Biological Reactor” and “Sequential Absorption and Electrolysis Reactor”, all these techniques are widely used in purification of industrial wastewater as well as domestic sewage. Recently, she has worked on purifying wastewater through eco-engineering techniques, such as constructed wetland systems. She designed a system for Hanfeng horticultural park in Dalian, Northeast China, for purifying domestic sewage and reusing the treated water for growing commercial plants. This solar energy-driven system, can function in both warm and cold areas and the treated water can be completely reused. Xiang earned her doctorate at Technical University of Munich, Department of Ecological Chemistry and Environmental Analysis, in the year 2001. Now, she teaches courses in pollution control engineering, environmental ecology and conducts research in environmental microbiology at Dalian University of Technology. She organizes at least one seminar each year, providing a platform for students to discuss environmental issues. What makes her happy is that she can share and discuss those new ideas with university students, who will be the future of the world. International Center for Sustainable Development (ICSD) The International Center for Sustainable Development is a 501(c)3 non-profit set up with funding from a Maryland Foundation and US Department of Energy. DOE and Asian Pacific Asian Pacific Economic Cooperation are partners in its activities. ( www.solarcities.org ) ICSD’s mission is to apply sustainable principles to development projects in developing countries with the goal of achieving local sustainability through practical projects that meet local needs and that are: community focused, environmentally friendly, financially healthy, and replicable. ICSD brings international financial resources as well as US technology and expertise to aid individual communities, cities or national governments in designing and executing development projects. We are committed to promoting sustainable technologies and methodologies. The Center offers technical assistance and training and acts as a broker for technology application. The China ICSD office is in the new Accord 21 green office building that houses the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) HQ in Beijing. MOST has been ICSD’s primary national sponsor in China. The ICSD team’s Master Plan for Longju Sustainable Village in Guanghan was guided by design charrettes involving village leaders and Chinese architects and planners. It integrates sustainable building design, renewable energy, and village economic development. The result this plan seeks is a more comfortable, healthier and economically viable environment for residents, making the choice of remaining in a rural setting desirable. Longju village presently has a rice farming based economy with poor sanitation and pollution due to villagers burning rice straw for cooking. In order to improve the villager’s quality of life, ICSD has sought to make maximum use of village resources: the sun and biomass for energy, villager time and energy, and a nearby temple bringing tourists. This village design uses available resources to maximum advantage in order to reduce pollution and boost the economy. This sustainable village will serve as a model not only for villages in Sichuan, but throughout the developing world in agricultural based regions. Passive solar design, solar water heating, and rainwater collection all make use of natural resources. And a solar powered community center provides a community focus with internet, daycare, health clinic and other services. ICSD has also provided training and technical assistance to the Ministry of Health to build 30 Passive Solar Township health Clinics in every county of 3 Provinces: Quinghi, Shanxi, and Gansu. John Spears John Spears is President and CEO of the International Center for Sustainable Development. He is an internationally recognized expert in energy conservation, renewable energy systems, indoor air quality and sustainable design. He is a Certified Energy Manager (CEM) and was awarded the Environmental Professional of the Year in 1995. Since 1973, He has provided design and consulting services in the areas of residential and commercial building energy conservation, renewable energy systems, Green Building or high performance building design, indoor air quality and sustainable community development. He is also the President of the Sustainable Design Group, an architecture firm providing green building design. Spears has been working in China since 1998, developing sustainable communities and passive solar health care clinics. John lead the US effort to assist Beijing in “Greening” the Olympics in 2008. He worked with the Chinese Ministry of Health, in a World Bank and Global Environmental Facility sponsored project to design solar powered rural health clinics. 35 clinics have been built, with 100% solar for heating and electricity. This eliminated coal heating and provided lighting and refrigeration. The Ministry implemented the project in 3 provinces -- Gansu, Quinghai, Shanxi. He has also introduced in this project and others a new building technology using aereated concrete blocks to provide high insulation. Working with the Chinese Ministry of Science and Technology Spears led the master planning of the Longjiu sustainable village described above. Environmental Education Media Project for China (EEMPC) Environmental Education Media Project for China produces and distributes environmental education materials to Asian countries. With headquarters in Beijing, it operates as a nonprofit organization with 501(c)3 status registered in California as well as in India. EEMP aims at raising public awareness and appreciation of global and local environmental issues. It has produced environmental documentaries for BBC, Public Broadcast System, World Bank, and other major institutions. EEMPC;s capacity for integrating Chinese language television production with citizen outreach programs will be an important component of the sustainable agriculture training programs for farmers and farm communities in Shandong, assuming the initiative proposed here moves to implementation. EEMPC works in partnership with a wide range of Chinese and international organizations in utilizing its educational media to promote environmental action learning in communities. These include the China Environment and Sustainable Development Reference and Research Centre (CESDRRC), Centre for Environmental Education and Communication (CEEC) of SEPA, UNDP Mongolia, UNDP China, Chinese Center for Disease Control UNAIDS, World AIDS Foundation, World Bank, TVE International, and EARTHSCAN Publications UK. Projects include The Chinese Government together with the World Bank hosted an International Poverty Conference in Shanghai in May 2004. EEMP produced the opening film on China’s accomplishments in Poverty Reduction and 3 case studies on “The Southwest Poverty Reduction Project”, “Growth and Transition in Wenzhou and Suzhou”, & the “Loess Plateau”. In addition, EEMP director John D. Liu produced, wrote and directed “The Real Leap Forward” for the Millennium Development Goals Series of LIFE on the BBC World (with World Bank Support). The Environmental Education Media Project Mongolia - (EEMP Mongolia) is implementing a UNDP Mongolia Project "Environmental Education Through Mass Media" in partnership with TVE International and Mongolian National Television (MNTV) to translate 156 environmental films into Mongolian. EEMPC, together with the Television Trust for the Environment, is working with the Institute of Health Education of the Chinese Center for Disease Control (IHE/CCDC) and the National Center for the Control of HIV/AIDS (NCAIDS) to catalyze the China HIV/AIDS Information Network (CHAIN). This work is supported by the World Aids Foundation (WAF). Roy Sagnik Roy Sagnik is Chief Operating Officer, Environmental Education Media Project. In his capacity of COO he is in charge of the overall administrative and financial matters of EEMP worldwide. Roy established and is president of EEMP in India. Roy is EEMP’s lead for the Shangdong Agro Eco-Industrial Park project. A fluent Mandarin speaker, he has been associated with China for almost nineteen years and worked in China for fifteen years, and in the last ten years has engaged in the business of importing ore from suppliers around the world. He was President of Sunwah International Group, Here he was engaged in raw material trade of iron, coal, rock phosphate etc. As Finance & Administrative Officer of SinoFile Information Services Ltd, Roy supervised financial affairs of this American company’s greater China operations. Sagnik serves as advisor to Jinan, Qingdao and Zibo local governments in Shandong. In this capacity he advises the local government in attracting foreign investment, modifying regulations to facilitate overseas business activities in the province. He has been an adviser to China Huayang Group, a subsidiary of China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) in their international affairs. In 2002 he was adviser to Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) on trade with China; he organized and coordinated numerous ministerial delegations between China and India. Growing up on a farm in West Bengal has given him a deep concern for the future of farming. He quit his lucrative minerals business to engage in environmental and sustainable development activities. He has supervised a number of projects in collaboration with UNDP and World Bank. His life long interest in farming has led to taking an active interest in sustainable farming and food production in China. Website: www.eempc.org |
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